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Top 10 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath Smell

All people have bad breath every morning. This is common for all but if you have bad breath in all other times, then there might be some problem in health (gum disease, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, etc) or they are due to food habits. Mostly for many people, bacteria in the mouth feast on food particles left in the teeth gaps which results in bad breath.
Image result for Top 10 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath Smell

Causes for bad Breath:
·         Unclean Tongue
·         Dried fruits
·         Alcohol, smoking and tobacco habits
·         A low carb diet
·         Cracked teeth
·         Certain medications
·         Health issues like liver or kidney problems, pneumonia, cold, bronchitis, postnasal drip, sinus infections, diabetes and acid reflux.

Top 10 ways to prevent bad breath:
1) Intake of Green plants: Eating fresh sprig of mint, cilantro, basil or parsley can do more good to fight against bad breath. The chlorophyll in the plants neutralizes the bad odor from our mouth.

2) Lemon or Orange peel: It is better to chew a piece of lemon or orange peel after washing it thoroughly. The citric acid in the rinds destroys the bad breath and gives freshness to our mouth by stimulating salivary glands.
Image result for lemon or orange peel

3) Cloves, Fennel seeds and Aniseed: Chew a handful of these three to prevent bad odor from mouth. They are rich in antiseptic properties that fight against the bad odor bacteria.

4) Avoid acidic drinks: Carbonated and sugary drinks cause cavities in tooth. Thus bacteria reside in tooth and cause bad breath. Even though if you can’t avoid some beverages like coffee, just rinse your mouth with plain water after drinking it.

5) Drink more Water: Drink sufficient amount of water and stay hydrated to avoid dry mouth. Drinking more water is good for health as well as it washes away the food particles and bacteria which causes bad odor in your mouth.
Image result for drink more water

6) Fresh fruits & Vegetables: Eating fruits and vegetables are the best way to remove unwanted bacteria from your mouth. They are the natural cleanser for mouth. Eating more carrots, celery and apples is good for health because they are rich in fiber and also they remove bacteria from teeth, tongue and gums.

7) Sugar-free Gum: In case of medications and low carb diet, you can chew sugar-free gums to mask the bad breath. Intake of sugarless candy or gum stimulates flow of saliva which will wash out food debris and bacteria.

8) Clean your Tongue: Many people do not give importance to tongue after brushing or flossing. If you want to get rid of bad odor or breath from your mouth, just clean your tongue whenever you notice white as well as yellow stains in it and keep it free from bacteria.
Image result for clean your tongue

9) Salt Water: Salt water does wonder whenever we suffer from swelling gums and throat pain. Similarly, gargling with salt water eliminates bacteria from throat as well as tonsils and gives good odor.

10) Eat Probiotic foods: Bad breath also develops due to toxins in digestive tract, constipation and poor dietary habits. Hence eating more probiotics-rich food items will be a great remedy. Foods like yogurt, apple cider vinegar, kefir are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are the best option to replace harmful bacteria which causes bad smell.
Image result for probiotic foods

Other than the above points, brushing and flossing twice a day is very important and it is more important to replace the toothbrush every three months. Visiting the dentist once in a year and having a check-up is good even though you maintain oral hygiene.


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